I just finished my first week of homework for the bible study "living Beyond Yourself" exploring the fruits of the spirit.
Through my quiet time with God I have been listening..
I love it when I can bury myself in his word and quiet my heart long enough to hear him speak to me.
Usually I keep what I hear to myself.
Wrap my arms around it and protect what I have heard and not utter a word to anyone but this post is on his prompting.
I guess someone else needs to hear this too...

a joy unspeakable and full of Glory that cannot be affected by outside circumstances.
He will show me how.
Let Him teach you what is best for you.
I direct you in the ways you should go.
Pay attention to my commands!
Don't be a people pleaser- keep your heart, mind and eyes on me!
I already have something great prepared for you!
Enjoy the hear and now.
Stop trying to plan every detail of your life- I already know what's going to happen next.
Trust me!
I am the covering for your guilt and the armor for your victory.
I do not change.
You change.
You fail me.
Deny me.
Desert me.
Choose someone else over me.
Make choices that break my heart but...
you will always be my treasured possession.

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