December 21, 2009

'tis the season

For baking cookies...
For years I have said that I would love to dedicate one day and just get all of my Christmas baking done.
So far.
My track record is a little **cough** off.
But, I did take a step in the right direction this year!!
I purchased a package of the ready to bake snowmen thinking it would be a fun baking activity for my children.
Also, I was thinking about myself and how much time we would save in not having to clean the kitchen after they were done.
Who knew the biggest challenge would be getting everyone home at the same time to do them!!
Niffy Nunu took on this task with the two little ones.
Here they are getting ready.

Niffy Nunu explains "how this was going to work" to the little ones.

All done!!

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