April 02, 2009

things that I have learned grocery shopping

I know, I know..that sounds strange but it's true!
You can actually LEARN something while you are grocery shopping.
I will be truthful, grocery shopping is a big affair in this house.
Usually Big Daddy and I try and squeeze in "quality alone time" with a meanless task that has to be done.
We are the odd couple that you find laughing hysterically in the isle.
I have been know to actually sit in the cart while being wheeled around the store.
We even have this game where we try and get the cashier to guess how much our purchase will be.
But today I did my shopping alone.
By myself.
No cell phone attached to my ear or children climbing off of my cart.
Just me.
And you know, I enjoyed the quiet.

I watched the other customers power walking down the isle chatting on their cell phones grabbing things off of the shelves without even looking at what it is that they are putting in their carts.
I actually read the lables..and looked for the cheaper items.

I learned something important today.
I don't need a cell phone or a distraction while I am by myself.
I actually LIKE myself and enjoy being by myself.
Shocking eh.
The quiet was nice..gave me a chance to reflect on the last 3 weeks.
To see where I have been and to have some quiet time with God.
Who knew that I could learn anything grocery shopping!

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Violet said...

i have also found nice "me" time in grocery shopping. glad you got some time alone.