{meme} Thursday Thunks!
1. Have you ever been sucked in to the latest "thing"? (Like Harry Potter, the movie Titanic, social networking, etc. etc. etc.)
**raises hand** I will admit that I did get "sucked into" Twilight but truthfully the story is a pretty entertaining one!
Plus Niffy Nunu got all 4 books for Christmas so I had the chance to read them here one after another without waiting for the next book (that drives me NUTS!!). Very interesting as the authors writing style improved with each book...
I had no time for Harry Potter (yawn) but somehow I have gotten myself mixed up in Twitter and Facebook... "the board killers" actually.
2. What software do you use for your email?
I use gmail and hotmail...free works for me!
3. Are you comfortable being nude?
only around my hubby :D
4. What is something you plan on doing this summer?
building a fence and a deck..getting my garden in as well!
Time to get my "green thumb" on...
5. Do you have a favorite movie/book quote?
If so, what is it? nope...I'm boring. :P
6. How many email addresses do you have?
two..I think.
7. Is the sky falling?
Ha ha...no
8. Have you been to the Grand Canyon?
Yes, but it was dark when I drove by it so I never really "saw" it.
9. When was the last time you mailed a hand written letter? gosh, a long time ago. Christmas cards count right?
Fun stuff eh
wanna play?
Thursday thunks
April 15, 2009
Twilight,Emails, Being Nude and More Crazy Questions!
Posted by
11:25 AM
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COngrats on being first - I have mine scheduled for tomorrow morning.
It's too bad you only saw the canyon at night. Thanks for playing!
Me, too. Got sucked by Twilight BIG time. Read the ebooks 1st, saw the movie, read the books, and saw the movie again. LOL
I never got to read Harry Potter, too, but I saw all the movies.
It really doesn't matter if Christmas cards count if you answer the question. :) Great job! Have a great day...
Great answers!! Twilight is a disease.
heehee, I love Niffy nunu's name.
I loved reading Harry Potters, and I reread the entire series just before a new book release...which means I read the entire series at least 7 times. Scary.
Great answers! Stop by sometime :)
You'll really enjoy that deck and good luck with your garden this summer.
Happy Thursday!
I think Christmas cards count! I played too... Check out my answers, HERE!
You have a busy summer ahead! Have fun
i'm sucked into Twitter and Facebook as well. In fact my tweets are how i auto update on Facebook.
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