August 12, 2009

5 months today.

I'm doing okay.
..the little one that went to be with Jesus has a name.
The pain is gone but I will miss that little one until I get to heaven.
But, until then I know everything is as it should be.
I am finally at peace.

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Lindsey said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I came across your blog since I notice you have three children I also have three and one in heaven as well. I know the pain has had to be great for you. On August 3rd was our sweet Brandon's 4th heavenly birthday. We miss him dearly. Even though it's been 4 years the pain is still there just the same though the Lord has really carried us through. I extend a mom of angel hugs to you. Since then I created a website if you ever want to check it out. Take your time. This website is for mothers who have lost babies/children such as myself. I look foward to getting to know you and following your blog. God bless you!