That still small voice has been whispering to me for quite some time now that I am supposed to take this study.
There is a very important message and truth that I need to hear and remember.
Actually, all the girls in my table group wanted to start this study but things sort of got in our way.
gee...I wonder why?
There wasn't space at the church due to other program's...childcare was an issue.
Everything that would have stopped me and almost did but, I am going to be faith full and listen.
Hopefully the study will be offered in the fall but, I couldn't wait for the fall.
So, I am taking the study on my own.
I ordered the workbook from our church book store and I downloaded the first two sessions Beth Moore Daniel
Trust me on this one...When you do a Beth Moore study, you've really done a study!
Anyone interested in joining me on this amazing faith journey?
sounds interesting but I'm not familiar with what you are talking about?
I am hoping that someone out is cyber space will take me up on my offer and pick up their own materials and "do" the Bible study with me :)
Beth Moore is a very gifted woman...
for more info on the study check out:
for more info on Beth:
Oh Heather! I did this, but didn't finish. I think I got to the 6th chapter & my body wouldn't let me do anymore (I was preggy with Delayna). I would love to finish it up, but need the videos.
You can download the videos online.
Copy and paste this link:
and you can download the videos.
That's what I did :D
What did you think of the study so far?
Thanks Heather!
It really helped me grow. It was alot of work, but man did I see a difference! I even shared with my kids & DH.
I pray you will be blessed!
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